Snow Day Cookies

Snow days were a pretty foreign concept for me until I moved to the Midwest. In my defense, Florida schools didn’t have much reason to ever need a snow day. Hurricane days, well, that’s a different story. I also didn’t grow up knowing how the weight of winter bogs...

A Labor of Love

I’ve had a love for writing my entire life. I remember in third or fourth grade when our class decided to throw our teacher a party. My job was to write a poem for her. How I wish I had a copy of that poem now! After raising four children, I wonder what it said....

When is the perfect age to start a family?

This morning I read Carolyn Gregoire’s Huffington Post article, “Being an Older Mom Comes With Some Major Advantages.”  I was drawn to it because I’d had a conversation with a friend in her early thirties recently, who was struggling with the...

Nine Tips for Good Communication

The holidays can be an especially difficult time for relationships. Isn’t it interesting how a time we have specifically designated for joy and peace often becomes filled with stress, anger, and pain? During these moments, we need to be able to communicate well,...

Changing (cough, cough) Family Traditions

Change a family tradition? You’ve got to be kidding. Wouldn’t it be easier to swim a snake-infested river? Climb an icy crag during a blizzard? Fly without an airplane? Adjusting a tradition that has been in a family for years sounds next to impossible, at least until...