The 5 Senses: Protect Your Heart

The 5 Senses: Protect Your Heart

“Follow your heart” is a phrase we hear often. It seems innocent enough. Many movies and television shows revolve around characters who follow their hearts, and the ending is usually happy. Yet God commands us to do the opposite. “The heart is deceitful above all...

A Love that Pursues

I can still picture the water fountain where she went missing. Time hasn’t erased the horror. It was almost 25 years ago, and our first family outing after our youngest daughter was born. Melanie was a couple of weeks old; her sisters Elizabeth and Stephanie were six...

When Love is Spelled P-U-P-P-Y

“We are NEVER getting a dog.” These words had been spoken countless times by my husband and I over the past ten years. Although we’ve always liked our friends’ dogs, we’ve never considered ourselves animal people, and with providing foster care to countless...