Searching for Fun

Last fall I sat in my hair stylist’s chair as she asked me what I had been up to. I rattled off my schedule filled with volunteering, singing, and speaking engagements, my busyness with this club and that committee. Then she asked me, “What do you do for...

Bring in the New Year, Write

God can read. I know that might sound odd, but I distinctly remember a moment journaling early in my marriage when it occurred to me that God can read. I was feeling a certain way so strongly that I couldn’t talk about it out loud yet, so I went to “vent” to God...

Find Their Passion

I’ve been attending church since I can remember. My first memories of church leadership came from my parents. When I was in kindergarten, my mom started a Wednesday night kid’s group at the Baptist Church we attended. A couple of years later, my folks decided to...