Peter was a Hot Mess. I Could Have Been a Disciple Too.

I never really understood the fascination Jesus had with Peter. He was the first disciple chosen, and that’s kind of a big deal, right? But from the start it seemed like he was blowing it. Jesus found him fishing on a lake and performed a miracle. He filled Peter’s...

Are you willing to move?

Are you willing to move? Are you willing to move? This phrase rang in my soul last summer. The first time it happened,  I was sitting in my car at a red light after dropping off my daughter to spend the day with her Grandma. Move? Heck no. I’m not a mover. My whole...

Pain Avoidance

Romans 5:4 “And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation”. This scripture makes it clear that character doesn’t just happen. Character must be developed through patient endurance. Just writing this makes me...

Guard Your Heart

I love being open. I love to have a genuine, deep bond with people, and for them to feel they are able to have the same with me. Life and healthy relationships don’t always work like that. Plus, we all know that relationships with women can be tricky! It’s okay to...

An Unexpected Family

On the surface, our family looks like any other: husband and wife, four kids. We are the quintessential American family. It’s only after getting to know us that someone might come to realize what a struggle it has been to piece our family together. Infertility,...