I voted today. I’m ashamed to admit that I haven’t always voted in every election, every primary, every single time. But today I took a step to change that.

Yesterday as I listened to the radio, the announcer spoke of the time we are living in as “post-Christian.” My mind had to stop and wrap itself around those words: “We are living in post-Christian America.” When did this happen? When did our nation move from a Christian nation to a post-Christian nation?

I have to apologize to young people. I don’t know how we have moved from a country built upon godly principles to a country seemingly out of control. When I was a child, stores were closed on Sunday, Christian songs and “God Bless America” were sung in school programs, veterans were honored, the flag was respected, and we knew right from wrong. Somewhere in these past several years the lines have become blurred. I’m sorry that I wasn’t paying attention. I hope it’s not too late.

My apathy and non-commitment to important issues have played a part in this country’s movement towards post-Christianity. I realize I’m not alone. Maybe I trusted that we were solid in our faith as a country. Maybe I believed that everyone was brought up in a Christian home with godly values. Maybe I was just too comfortable and busy to be concerned with politics.

But the person speaking on the other end of the radio got my attention. I realized that this country, the land of the free and the home of the brave, is changing. Could I have made a difference? I don’t know. But I hope it’s not too late. I’m making myself a promise: To vote. To learn about the issues, to learn about the candidates, to pray for this country and to pay attention.

It is a privilege to vote.

So today I voted and then my heart committed to pray for this country, her leaders, her enemies, her people, and to be informed. I pray that you, too, will exercise your right as an American and vote.

Lord God, we pray that you will bless America. Teach us your ways that we may follow you! Thank you for the freedoms we enjoy. Thank you for our godly heritage. We repent of our apathy and pray that you will lead us. In your precious name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.