
Sitting at my kitchen table one day, I looked with satisfaction at the blue-and-white painted surface. Although I’ve rarely done DIY projects, I had tackled this table-painting project the previous summer as an experiment. My 15-year-old discount table with the light...

Seeing God in Loss

Today we’re so pleased to introduce the first article in our new 6-week series called “Her Story,” stories of ordinary women experiencing, overcoming, or choosing to do extraordinary things. Today’s story comes from Judy Miller. Eighteen years...

Behind Closet Doors

I had a baby five weeks ago, so this past weekend I finally decided it was time to clear the maternity clothes out of my closet. And although I can’t quite fit into my regular size, I wanted to at least get the closet ready for the time when things fit again. But as I...

You’re Enough, Just as You Are

Driving in the darkness of the moonlit car, my emotions were roiling. Hurt, confusion, and frustration had me on a slow simmer that was quickly snowballing into a burn. It had started earlier that day, when a dear friend all but admitted that she isn’t always honest...