Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Watch your thoughts, they become words; Watch your words, they become actions; Watch your actions, they become habits; Watch your habits, they become character; Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. These words, spoken by Margaret Thatcher, are profound....

I’m a European Shopper

Over the years, I’ve read a lot of articles on how to save money on your family food budget by having a meal plan in place, preparing a grocery list, and only going to the store once a month. Articles like this and this. And I’ve tried, really, I have! I’ve made up...

When is the perfect age to start a family?

This morning I read Carolyn Gregoire’s Huffington Post article, “Being an Older Mom Comes With Some Major Advantages.”  I was drawn to it because I’d had a conversation with a friend in her early thirties recently, who was struggling with the...

The Three C’s of Leadership

One of the most strategic pastors around today, Bill Hybels, developed a hiring process that he called the 3 C’s: Character, Competency, and Chemistry. All three are needed to lead effectively, and I believe all three of these categories can be developed and enhanced...

Thanks, Mom, for Praying

How many of you are thankful for a praying mother and/or grandmother? If you have a praying parent in your lineage, you are a blessed person. Mothers and grandmothers influence their child’s life by living Godly lives and hitting the throne room of God with...