DIY: Family Thankfulness Journal

I’ve always been amazed how the day is glossed over. Sandwiched between the picked-over shelves of leftover costumes and candy no one will ever eat and the jingle bells of Christmas trees, Thanksgiving receives absolutely no fanfare. If retail stores are the gauge for...

Faith, Family, Football

I forget. I always forget. Then something like Saturday afternoon’s homecoming game featuring a double reverse pass play brings me back to reality. Watching the gridiron team of my alma mater, I was mesmerized early in the game, still in the first quarter, when my...

A Christmas Box to Treasure {DIY}

Once upon a time, there was an amazing young man in my first hour seventh grade science class. Over the years, there were hundreds of great young people in my classes, but this particular young man, Josh, was special.  After our oldest son passed away, Josh...


I was raised by wanderers. My childhood involved a lot of moving. I come from noble stock of Southern Baptist nomads. Our moving had absolutely nothing to do with our faith and everything to do with my daddy’s occupation.  We were not wandering in the desert for forty...

Backyard Grilled Pizza

It all began around the summer before seventh grade. My red-headed wonder of a son became infatuated with all things kitchen. His love of cooking actually started with a rescue mission. Yes, you read that correctly. He successfully nursed a tiny and very sick kitty...