“Guilt … Free”

Guilt … Free   By: Lois Breit Ever feel you need a trip to Chili’s just to escape all your feelings of guilt?  You know, they serve up the Guiltless menu there:  the guiltless chicken, always a favorite; the guiltless Black Bean Burger, which...

Change Plus Tip

Change is a part of a woman’s DNA.  We change jobs, homes, cities, cars, fashion, diapers, and even best friends.  We change our hair color, hairstyle, and hair length, but we will not change our stylist.  We change wallpaper, paint, flooring,...

Christmas Reminder

It was almost Christmas week, when merriment and expectation should mingle with the aroma of great foods and family gatherings.  But that was not the case the Christmas my husband left us.  There was no Christmas cheer in our home, no money for gifts or even a tree. ...

“Living on a Tight Budget”

Living on a Tight Budget   by: Lois Breit There are many ways to live a happy and productive life on a tight budget.  It’s all about attitude, discipline and common sense.  I’d like to share with you a few suggestions on how to stretch your...