A Clear Past…

A couple of months ago I was praying my way through the 23rd Psalm, and you know how this happens, a certain verse came off the page and begged for a deeper look. Here’s the verse: Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell...

Our Disproportionate God…

Recently I had a conversation with a friend about her journey through the wilderness. It’s been a slow and sometimes agonizing passage for her. The thing is, if she didn’t love and fear God, she could take a few steps to the right and land herself on the...

Guard the Flame…

Last January I was out to lunch with a few girlfriends and our conversation to talking mostly about the presence of the Living God. My friend Sandy referenced one of Tozer’s books and said, “It’s all about the flame. We’re nothing –...