What Does Jesus Look Like?

One recent morning while on vacation, I asked my 3½-year-old daughter what she dreamed about the night before. “I dream about Jesus,” she said. I’ve asked the question before, and that’s what she always says. “Really?” I replied. But then I asked another question:...

What’s Your Major?

Countless college students meet each other every fall by saying, “What’s your major?” and “Where are you from?” Sometimes those questions are easy to answer, and sometimes they’re not so easy, especially when you’re not sure what you’re supposed to be doing with your...

Writing My Own Psalm

I once heard comedian Mark Lowry say, “If David had had Prozac, we wouldn’t have the Psalms.” And though David didn’t write all of the Psalms, Mark does have a point. If you really look at it, the Psalms are a pretty good depiction of life. Some days are good, other...

Piano Man

Dear Piano Man, Our paths crossed yesterday. For two minutes. You won’t remember me, but your kind eyes and gentle smile are forever etched into my heart. As you began to play in the Mayo Clinic’s underground plaza, my inquisitive, blonde-haired boy...

My Heart Grew Again

How is it that God can increase the capacity of our hearts to love people? I remember when I was preparing for my second son, wondering how I could ever love another child as much as I loved my first. It was astonishing to realize that my love didn’t divide between...

Road Blocks and Detours

I have been thinking a lot about life. I’ve been pondering what I’ve done, where I’ve been, and what I wish to do. I’ve been evaluating my path and seeking God’s direction. I’m one of those people that writes out goals and dreams and makes a checklist of actions,...