Our Disproportionate God…

Recently I had a conversation with a friend about her journey through the wilderness. It’s been a slow and sometimes agonizing passage for her. The thing is, if she didn’t love and fear God, she could take a few steps to the right and land herself on the...

Guard the Flame…

Last January I was out to lunch with a few girlfriends and our conversation to talking mostly about the presence of the Living God. My friend Sandy referenced one of Tozer’s books and said, “It’s all about the flame. We’re nothing –...

Epic Fail

What do you do when you’ve screwed up?  How do you pick up the pieces of a big old mess you’ve created and walk forward?  How do you live a life of humble repentance and still confidently leave the past behind? I was reading the story of Saul this...

Cares of Life

Devotional Story: The breaks went out on the truck, the hot water heater is flooding our basement, a friend of mine just lost her job, another one is having marriage problems, and yet another friend is sick and has been for a very long time.  At times life can...

Catch my tears

It was a blur.  His mouth was moving but I can’t begin to tell you what he’s saying.  As I moved in and out of attentiveness I kept thinking, why?  It really didn’t make much sense to me.  This is the second time and I’ve seemingly done all the...

God Changes Things

Ever since I was a child I’ve had a plaque that says, “Prayer changes things” on my bedroom wall. I wonder how many hours I’ve spent lying in bed staring at that motto. Over the years, I’ve wondered about the effectiveness of my prayers. Sometimes it seems like...