When the Raisins Are Stuck

Recently, I had the privilege of watching my grandmother bake. For me, this simple thing offers a rare, deep sense of home and family. My enjoyment doesn’t have much to do with the sweets that come from her oven (tasty as they may be), but it allows me to appreciate...

Posture and Perspective

This past Christmas, a family member treated us to flights, and we gladly swapped the Minnesota tundra for the Florida tropics. At my mother-in-law’s home, we visited until 3:30 a.m., laughed ourselves hoarse, and overate cookies, prime rib, and toffee. We also slept...

Hidden Things Keep Us Out of Intimacy

I gave my heart to Jesus as a young child. Growing up in a Christian home, I knew that we prayed over our meals and at night before we went to bed. I also knew that if I was in a tough place I could ask God for help, but I didn’t understand how he wanted me to connect...

Girl, Shave Your Legs

Natural light—it illuminates so many things. As I sat in the sun one day, I was mortified to find a patch of hair, far too long for public viewing, growing on the front of my ankle. I was appalled at how many times I would’ve had to miss this spot for it to have grown...

Prescription for Life? Try Music

I really don’t like taking medications. Until I turned 60 years old, my medicine cabinet was empty, but now I am on four prescriptions. I have high hopes, though, of health improvements that will eliminate most of them. There is one prescription I take daily that is...

That Day

Valentine’s Day is here once again. Romance, Cupid, red, pink, hearts, chocolate, children’s school valentines, and, it bears repeating, romance all come to mind. Yes, once again love is in the air. At least, it’s supposed to be. Or maybe we just hope it is....