A Cure for the Bloody Winter Nose

Maybe it is just me, but I seem to get bloody noses every winter.  It seems to be a combination of my allergy medication (I know, right, allergies in the winter too?! Yep, I get to deal with them year round; yay me!) and spending so much time in the dry indoors where...

I Don’t Do New Years Resolutions

I’ve never been big on New Year’s resolutions. Sure, I’d like to lose 10 pounds, be more organized, plan better, and learn new skills (quilting and a foreign language are always at the top of my list). I’ve just never been one to follow through beyond January 31...

The Voices in My Head

Sometimes, I hear voices. In my head. It really isn’t multiple voices, it is one small voice that I’ve come to recognize as my own personal little Debbie Downer who loves to tell me all the ways in which I don’t measure up. Ms. Downer was out in full...

Essential Oils 101

More than a year ago, I started using essential oils. Our family was going increasingly “granola,” as my husband teasingly calls it – which, to us, meant eating organic food, swapping out our personal products and cleaning supplies for less-toxic versions, and...