Why I haven’t Showered in 7 years

Ok, the title isn’t entirely true. Obviously I’ve showered in 7 years, but since having kids? Showering has taken on a whole new meaning. Before children, I used to get ready for work every morning with a nice hot shower that casually woke me up and helped me...

Paleo Zuppa Toscana

My friend Samantha is an amazing cook. I literally want to gobble everything in sight when we have dinner at her house. After my third daughter was born, she kindly brought a delicious zuppa toscana to our home during my recovery from surgery. Like me, my children...

A Merry Heart

Relationships are hard. We hear that phrase so often it’s starting to lose meaning, but it’s still so true. Recently I was driving (something I do a lot as I commute 45 miles each way for work!), and the phrase “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” just kept...

5 Books to Read this Winter

You might have seen the list of 26 Books to Read in 2015 – I filled mine out in January – but I wanted to also share some of the books I’ve been loving lately, in case you’re looking for something but don’t want to get overwhelmed by 26 books. Here’s a list of...