10 Tips for Great Family Photos

It’s that time of year when the warm weather has left, the leaves are turning, and it’s time to think about the next season quickly approaching… family photo season! Here in Minnesota, many clients wait for fall to update their annual photos in order to get those...

Daring to Dream: Taking the First Step

Two months ago, my fellow bloggers and I at The Ruth Experience saw a dream come to fruition with the publication of our second book, Grace for the Imperfect Mom.  Then, just last week, we realized a dream on a smaller scale, updating our website. Both of these dreams...

Apple Cider Vinegar to the Rescue!

When I was a little girl, it was a big deal when Grandma came to stay. Grandma was in a fragile state and sat in the biggest, softest living room chair for most of her visit. A decade later, a doctor would discover that both of her hip bones were worn down to almost...

Seeking Wise Counsel for Your Finances

As a Certified Financial Planner®, I have many women calling me asking about my services. They are usually in some sort of transition in their life where they feel they need some advice. Sometimes they are just getting started in a career and have no idea where to...

Lent Remixed

Lent. Although my childhood church observed the season with several Lenten traditions that I cherished, I never understood the “why” behind Lent. And, as an adult, when the churches I attended did not observe Lent, my Lenten observances lapsed into distant but fond...