Mean Girls: Adult Online Edition

Many people may know that online or cyber bullying among children and teens in our country has become a problem in recent years, but did you know that this same meanness is now becoming more prevalent amongst adults as well? In fact, one source stated that three out...

Freedom From Guilt and Shame

This is the fifth story in our ā€œFreedom Fromā€¦ā€ Series, an 8-week series featuring women who have faced adversity and found freedom in the process. As a financial planner, I meet with clients and discuss one of the most personal topics there isā€¦ money. We donā€™t just...

How Our Local CSA Changed Our Lives

As I sit in the sunshine drinking homemade iced tea (recipe below), I reflect on highlights of the year. The first bloom in spring, sā€™mores by a summer campfire, and the entire rainbow painted on fall leavesā€”I love Minnesota. Last summer I signed my family signed up...

Seeking Wise Counsel for Your Finances

As a Certified Financial PlannerĀ®, I have many women calling me asking about my services. They are usually in some sort of transition in their life where they feel they need some advice. Sometimes they are just getting started in a career and have no idea where to...