Daily Bible Reading Can Be Awesome

I know the routine. The desire to read your Bible everyday is there, you set a goal, and then you feel guilty when you don’t follow through. Many people are in this frustrating loop and become overwhelmed and discouraged. I understand. For years I felt the same way,...

Online Infidelity

From Guest Contributor, Dr. Linda Mintle At 42, Tara is married but bored. She regularly engages in on-line dating as a way to escape her mundane life. In the past year, she has dated 20 men. She secretly meets them a few times a week and enjoys the time they spend...

Empathy in Action

Then the LORD passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness and truth;” -Exodus 34:6 Compassion is a central characteristic used to describe God in heaven. Compassion...

Give Someone Else the Wheel

I have three grown daughters. Although they are all now amazing women of God, each of them gave me some of the scariest moments of my life during their teenage years while attempting to learn to drive. At some point in learning to drive, each of my daughters came...

Gift Bags for the Homeless

This past Easter, our church put together “baskets” for people serviced by two homeless shelters in our area. After discussing what would be best to put in them with the directors of these programs, we loaded them up with helpful goodies: a new toothbrush, toothpaste,...