Extraordinary Leadership – Carolyn T’s Story

This is the sixth article in our new series called “Every Heart has a Story to Tell.” As we head towards our first Thrive Conference in October, our desire is share how Every Story Matters. Please check back each week to see how God is moving in women’s lives and let...


Post-secondary education while still in high school was introduced while I was a student. That was in the late 1980’s, and I decided to participate in this experimental option my senior year. I’d always gotten good grades and I was an independent worker, so it seemed...

For the Birds

This whole empty nesting thing is for the birds. Seriously, you can have it. I’m too young and too tied to my identity as a Mom to embrace it. At the time of writing this, it’s been less than 48 hours and yet I woke up this morning feeling like I’m...

This is Happening

Change. It is a constant in every life, but sometimes it blares louder, screams more incessantly, and will not be denied. The end of an era. The last page in the chapter. Things will never be the same. For me, that means that the end of the elementary years has come...

That’s Not How It Is

“Everything comes easily for you.” I sat in stunned silence, not knowing how to respond. “Are you kidding me?” was my first thought. Maybe I should start closer to the beginning of the story. I came to Minnesota for college not knowing anyone in the whole state, or...