Walking in the Shoes of the Depressed

Sometimes I sit and “ponder” (one of my favorite words) on a particularly dark and cloudy day.  You know, one of those days that makes you want to sleep in and not deal with life.  I wonder, “is this kind of what it is like to be depressed?”  As a...

Walking in the Shoes of the Depressed

Sometimes I sit and “ponder” (one of my favorite words) on a particularly dark cloudy day.  You know, one of those days that makes you want to sleep in and not deal with life.   I wonder “is this kind of what it is like to be depressed?”  As a...


Depression –   by: Lois Breit I wish I had a fun gimmick or answer for depression, but there is nothing funny about it.  We all suffer from depression at some level in our lifetime.  Some have clinical depression and must be on medications at all...