Flowers and Weeds

Flowers and Weeds

“You are a flower with such a sweet, wonderful fragrance! I bet that’s how people feel when they see you in the workplace,” my friend exuberantly proclaimed. While I appreciated her sincere compliment, I cringed inside knowing it wasn’t always true. Confessing to her...

Finding Success in Family Devotions

Wiggling, talking, whining, disobeying—the struggle is real. What struggle? The difficult task of sitting everyone down for family devotions. Maybe it’s just me, but sometimes the effort doesn’t seem worth the payoff. My husband and I are always on a quest to find...

I Choose to Live With Purpose

Each of us is faced with thousands of choices every day that define our thoughts, our behavior, and who we are to the world. This fall’s Thrive Conference explores the idea that the choices we make hold power and provide opportunities that influence ourselves, others,...

I Choose to be Generous

Each of us is faced with thousands of choices every day that define our thoughts, our behavior, and who we are to the world. This fall’s Thrive Conference explores the idea that the choices we make hold power and provide opportunities that influence ourselves, others,...

Choose Your Hard

Each of us is faced with thousands of choices every day that define our thoughts, our behavior, and who we are to the world. This fall’s Thrive Conference explores the idea that the choices we make hold power and provide opportunities that influence ourselves, others,...