When We Don’t Embrace Our Whole Self

It was years ago — over a decade — and yet it is forever etched vividly in my mind’s eye. I was at a basket weaving class (yes, there is actually such a thing; yes, it is actually a lot of fun; and for those of you thinking of the college credit...

The Fruits of My Life

I rang the doorbell and she opened the door, dressed in leggings and a t-shirt, looking as fit as can be. Rock music was playing in the background. She welcomed me in and danced over to the kitchen counter to turn off the music. She was smiling and radiant, giggling...

Be True to You

It took me long enough to figure it out, but I’m a cheerleader at heart. That statement, in and of itself, cracks me up, quite honestly. This admission will shock a few of my friends, but when I tried out for the cheerleading squad in junior high school, I wasn’t...

Mom, You are Enough

Did I catch your eye with the title? Did you peer further, secretly hoping that what I said in the title is true? It is. You are. You, as you are, in this moment, are enough and I need you to know that. Even more, your kids need you to know that. Didn’t do the...

Exaggerated Expectations

There seems to be an unwritten theory that leaders must have it all figured out. I know I’ve placed many leaders I’ve admired on pedestals of my own making, only to realize later that my expectations were too high. In my eagerness to follow them, I have often presumed...