The Simple Life (Hoarders Beware)

Simplicity – what does it mean to a life of simplicity? Webster describes it as: the quality of being easy to understand or use: the state or quality of being plain or not fancy or complicated: something that is simple or ordinary but enjoyable. This concept really...

Hobbies Gone Haywire

Guest Contributor Lisa Skordahl makes her home in Coon Rapids, Minnesota with her husband and two wonderful daughters. She works as an accountant and enjoys teaching and counseling in personal finance. She is driven by a desire to help others succeed when it comes to...

Freedom From Guilt and Shame

This is the fifth story in our “Freedom From…” Series, an 8-week series featuring women who have faced adversity and found freedom in the process. As a financial planner, I meet with clients and discuss one of the most personal topics there is… money. We don’t just...

Kid’s Cash

Guest Contributor Lisa Skordahl makes her home in Coon Rapids, Minnesota with her husband and two wonderful daughters. She works as an accountant and enjoys teaching and counseling in personal finance. She is driven by a desire to help others succeed when it comes to...