5 Tips for Meal Planning (and Saving)!

I’ve always been a planner, and although there are many times this has worked to my detriment, one area it has helped me considerably is in planning our family’s weekly meals. After years of providing foster care and having as many as six kids in our home, I’ve...

Cut Your Grocery Bill Just By Planning Ahead

Every year I rework out budget. Last year I realized that after our tithe and mortgage, our grocery budget was the biggest expense. With a family of four, I saw this as a challenge to cut our grocery budget by 25%. Now I know all about those “crazy coupon people” who...

My No-Spend Pantry Month

I am not a DIY kind of person. Sure, I can paint walls and hang pictures, but that’s the extent of my craftiness when it comes to home projects. If you need scrapbook pages beautifully done or want help writing something, I’m your girl. Start talking about wrenches...