Mommy Guilt

The sun isn’t even up yet as a young mom gets ready to leave for work. Quietly she tiptoes into her children’s rooms to gently kiss them goodbye before she leaves for her double shift. She lingers for a moment, hoping for one to stir and open his eyes so she can see...

Let it Go

They were little girls, sisters actually, just 13 months apart in age. The older child loved to take care of the younger, but the younger girl didn’t appreciate that very much. She was the youngest of seven children, and she had enough people bossing her around; she...

Freedom From Guilt and Shame

This is the fifth story in our “Freedom From…” Series, an 8-week series featuring women who have faced adversity and found freedom in the process. As a financial planner, I meet with clients and discuss one of the most personal topics there is… money. We don’t just...

Time to Rest

It’s hard for me to rest sometimes. I’m an all-in kind of person, and it’s hard for me to pace myself and take a break. But I have learned that resting is good. It was February 2008. I know that because I made a notation in my Bible. It had been a harried season of...

I Climbed Back Out

This is Hannah’s story, as told to me. Bulimia kind of caught me by surprise. I grew up in a great Christian home, but my dad was a pastor for most of my life, and I always felt pressure to be perfect from others because of that. I was pretty average, really,...