Re-Framing A Situation

My husband, John, recently went through an autologous stem-cell transplant to treat Multiple Myeloma, a type of blood cancer. As part of the transplant process he received two doses of heavy chemotherapy. We were told this chemo would make his hair fall out – no ifs,...

The Best Lemonade Maker

This is the second article in our new 6-week series called “Her Story,” stories of ordinary women experiencing, overcoming, or choosing to do extraordinary things. Michelle grew up the sixth child out of seven. She found her groove as a mini-Mom caretaker;...

Why I Volunteer at the Single Moms Retreat

I am not a single mom. I wasn’t raised by a single mom. I never really knew very many single moms. And yet when I heard about the single mom’s retreat…  how many women would come, the honesty of the topics the speakers would share about (like abuse,...

Blissfully Unaware

It was April 19, 1995. I was in the hospital after giving birth to my second son the day before. I was thoroughly enjoying the quiet peace that came from once again sleeping on my back, getting a few hours of uninterrupted sleep without having to go to the bathroom,...

New Mommy Madness

My oldest son is 20 years old, and it’s been a long time since I’ve had a baby in the house. As I was organizing some books the other day, a single journal entry fluttered out of a notebook and caught my attention. I looked at the date: April 1993. Then I started...