I Wish I Was Funny…

Sometimes I wish I was funny. Not so much in real life, but in the way that I write and speak. I have listened to others and wished I had the ability to make people laugh. Most of the time my writings come from hard experiences of my life, vulnerable places, places...

Turn On The Light

“Even in the dark there is light.” Those words, from a song wafting through the radio airwaves, caught my attention and my mind raced back to a conversation about work I had with a friend the previous evening. As she recounted her work story from the day, my heart...

Worship In The Dark

I love to sing. There are days when no one can shut me up! Many mornings, I awaken with a song in my head, and that song becomes my hum all day long. I sing when I’m happy and when I’m sad. I’ve sung for countless weddings and funerals, and I help with leading worship...

My Favorite Things

Today seems like a great day to remember some of my favorite things. Okay, they aren’t really things. They are some of my favorite inspirations. They are my run-to truths whenever I need to encourage myself or someone else. They have met me so many times in a place of...

A Hero, A Villain, and God

During the course of World War II, many people became heroes in one way or another. One man who left a legacy was Butch O’Hare. He was a fighter pilot assigned to an aircraft carrier in the Pacific. One time, his entire squadron was ordered to fly a particular...