My Imperfect Hospitality

When I was a little girl, I remember my mom having the neighbors over for coffee on a somewhat regular basis. I always loved to sneak in and listen to them talk about what was going on in the neighborhood. Of course, my mom only tolerated my invasion for a short...

Messy Hospitality

“I’M SO ANGRY AT YOU”!   My son’s yell echoed up from the lower level and bounced around the walls of the living room. My husband and I shared a glance before he made a beeline for the stairs and the gaggle of kids downstairs while I glanced...

Hospitality – You Want Me To Do What?

What you have and who you are is enough. (Read that again!) We hear it a lot, but I want you to allow the Holy Spirit to engrave that into the deepest recesses of your soul. You know the places the enemy goes to pull out the lies that keep you hidden! God didn’t need...