The Quiet Hat

I like to talk. So, not surprisingly, I’m currently raising three very opinionated little girls who talk constantly! And my poor husband, the introvert that he is, can’t quite escape the chatter. Ever. Until we discovered the “Quiet Hat.” The...

I’ll Meet You There

You know how there are certain locations that, every time you see them, conjure up all kinds of memories? Perhaps the hospital where you gave birth to your first child, the church where you were baptized, or maybe even the spot where you broke up with your high school...

A Moonlit Memory – Part III

This story is continued from A Moonlit Memory, Part II. In part III of A Moonlit Memory writer, speaker and Bible teacher, Ellie Lofaro, continues sharing her memory of a special moonlit night spent with a friend of God. We moved back into the cabin and sat in a cozy...