It’s Not About Me

One night as I was lying in bed, my 5-year-old nose picked up one of my favorite smells. As I entangled my fingers in my blankie, I realized that my parents had not only sent me to bed much too early but had also decided to make my very favorite treat without me! I...

Worry or Peace-The Choice is Yours

Worry. Someone once told me it was “negative prayer.” I call it exhausting. At 3:00 a.m. it’s as if the switch in my brain has been flicked on and my mind starts to race. It may be words I’ve spoken, words spoken to me, the gas bill that is due, my child’s struggle,...

The Eye of the Storm

Something I’ve noticed lately is the overwhelming number of people who are seasonally depressed. Winter hits, Christmas draws near, and they are less motivated to do…well, anything. They withdraw into themselves. If I’m not careful, I fall into this category...

5 Easy Steps to a Meaningful Quiet Time

Draw near to the Lord, and he will draw near to you. That’s the promise in James 4. But how do we do that? How do we quiet the world around us and sit at the feet of Jesus? Here are some simple ideas that work for me. Find a quiet place. Turn off the TV. Mute the...

Coming to Terms with an Imperfect Faith

If there are two elements that have characterized my faith since I started seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus about four years ago, they would be doubt and cynicism. Is that an oxymoron, “doubtful faith”? In any case, I think it’s the truth. I feel gutted to...