I’ll Be Home for Christmas

I’ll Be Home for Christmas

I’ll be home for Christmas! What excitement there is in that thought . . . home! What, exactly, makes home the place we long to return to, the place we dream of? I remember when my husband and I made a move to a different house after over twenty years in a home we had...

Beyond a Doubt/Marlys’ Story

“From as far back as I can remember, I knew I would end up in Africa, but I didn’t like the idea at all, because I don’t like bugs and dirt, and I didn’t even think about the snakes.” This was the introductory response to my recent interview with Marlys Kingsriter—the...

Flourishing In God’s Power

Olivia Puccini  is a wife, mom, author, and Missionary. There was a faint knock on the screen door. My mother rolled over in bed and felt herself sink into the depression that had laid her there. Her husband had left her for another woman. At the door waited her...