Three Ways to Care for Friends Who Hurt

Our 4-year-old grandson Jackson is accident prone. Every bump and bruise has a story. “You should have seen it, Nana,” he said. “I fell off my bike and my face hit the ground before my hands.” One look at his noggin and I knew he spoke truth. He then pulled three...

When Marriage and Faith Don’t Match Up

Observing your own faith grow is a very magical, blessed experience. As women, we often have a strong desire to talk with others about the positive changes in our lives and to share our excitement in that regard. What happens when we try to share our interest and...

Appreciating Your Pastor

October has been dubbed Pastor Appreciation Month. Certificates to restaurants, gift cards to Walmart, an overnight at a B&B, and theater tickets are among the many awesome gifts given to my pastor-husband over the years. Each gift brightened our lives and filled...

A Call to Prayer

I don’t know about you, but one of the great powers of the Holy Spirit that I sometimes find difficult is conviction. It involves not only my faith but my fear of the holy God. It’s not something we discuss often in church because it makes us...

A Piece of Me

How do you explain it when someone you’ve only met once steals a tiny piece of your heart? When we were on our mission trip to Greece and Cyprus a few weeks ago, we spent one afternoon doing an educational program for kids in a refugee camp. The powers that be (those...