Repurpose, Recycle, Rejoice!

“What do you do with all that stuff?” I asked my dad. He’s lived on the same farm since the mid 60’s and has managed to acquire a few things. We walked through his shop, the barn, his storage shed, the garage, and the basement of the house—for starters. I was on...

Tips for Restorative Decorating

I was privileged to be asked to do a special feature at BTG’s recent Words Matter Conference (audio files here!) earlier this month. I named it “Restorative Decorating” and had fun sharing different ideas for how to infuse your home with life. During the session,...

Garage Sale Genius

Is your heart dancing a brisk pitter patter at the thought of getting to shop some garage sales? If so, you’re definitely not alone. It’s that time of year when people are chomping at the bit to shop at garage sales once again. If you are thinking of having one of...