Wondering Who I Am

Have you ever taken a look at yourself the way that other’s might look at you? What I mean by this is a good, objective, realistic look. Ask yourself the question “if I met myself, would I like myself?” Okay, I know, for a therapist to talk like this you must be...

Walking to the Beat of Another Drummer

I find myself edgy at times, struggling to fit into my “Christian” world. I have always been sort of rebellious and haven’t done the “good Christian woman” thing so great. I often feel at odds with the culture of Christianity and it’s nobody’s fault. Now don’t get me...

Who Am I?

I once spent a week at a statewide Kids Camp; it was a crazy and busy week but it was a lot of fun.  The speaker had a blind puppet who kept popping up in the middle of each skit and would call out, “Where am I, Wheeeere am I”?  Then he would disappear. Some months...