Why I Attend the Single Moms Retreat

Guest Contributor Carol Battista is the single parent of a son who has a passion for science and loves nature. Carol, her son, and their chihuahua hunker down indoors during the winter months but become more active during the warm weather. Carol is involved in two...

Navigating Relationships As A Single Mom

Our guest contributor for this article is Carol Battista, a single parent. Did you know that the Single Moms Retreat is arriving in just a couple of weeks, June 2-3, in Alexandria, MN? Find the details here. My son Douglas was born when I was 25 years old. I was not...

Why I Volunteer at the Single Moms Retreat

I am not a single mom. I wasn’t raised by a single mom. I never really knew very many single moms. And yet when I heard about the single mom’s retreat…  how many women would come, the honesty of the topics the speakers would share about (like abuse,...