I’m Okay With Imperfect Kids

For the longest time, we thought our teenager was just a big giant brat. For some reason, the road into adolescence led us to a teenage daughter who struggled being around her younger siblings, whose rage was borderline scary for us as parents, and whose emotions were...

Do We Get Along? Relating to Teenagers

Recently my teenager was asked the question, “Do you get along with your parents?” So she asked me, “Do we get along?” Good question! I’ve heard many parents of adult children tell me that there was a time when they didn’t get along with their child, but that it got...

Elissa’s Story

This is the fifth article in our new 7-week series called “Her Story,” stories of ordinary women experiencing, overcoming, or choosing to do extraordinary things. This week’s story is from Nancy Raatz, who is a Missionary to Russia alongside her husband,...

Just Do It

I was having a conversation with someone the other day about basic needs of teenagers. Since having that conversation I have come to decide that at least one of those needs is absolutely applicable to any age and stage of life. I believe that most people in the world...