Redefining Beauty

“Mom, what are those lines on your tummy?” I paused slightly at my daughter’s words, knowing my reaction in this moment was important. “Oh, those? Those are called stretchmarks, honey.” And as I finished changing my shirt (without...

Full Circle

This is the third article in our new 6-week series called “Her Story,” stories of ordinary women experiencing, overcoming, or choosing to do extraordinary things. This week’s story is from Carol Battista, whose abusive childhood led her from atheism to...

Managing my Post-baby Body

It’s been ten weeks since I had my baby, and unlike stories I’ve read online about women who are back to their pre-baby bodies within three weeks of delivery, that’s not me.  Oh, it’s not that I don’t work out or eat right: I do. It’s just taking longer for everything...

The Simple Life (Hoarders Beware)

Simplicity – what does it mean to a life of simplicity? Webster describes it as: the quality of being easy to understand or use: the state or quality of being plain or not fancy or complicated: something that is simple or ordinary but enjoyable. This concept really...

Lent Remixed

Lent. Although my childhood church observed the season with several Lenten traditions that I cherished, I never understood the “why” behind Lent. And, as an adult, when the churches I attended did not observe Lent, my Lenten observances lapsed into distant but fond...