Changing How We View Abortion After Rape

In our country, abortion is a touchy topic. When we are in our close circle of friends, we may speak candidly about our opinions, but many of us do not voice such things publicly. I’ve chosen to mostly not talk about abortion in public, mainly because I do not want...


Poor little ferns. I bought them at a community plant sale last May, potted them in a pot, and set them on my front step. I spent the entire hot summer pampering them as I dreamed and schemed about where I would tuck them into my flower beds in the fall. I loved their...

Too Big For Words

I got the phone call very early in the morning; I knew immediately that something bad had happened. She was crying and my heart was pounding like a kick drum in my chest. My foggy brain heard the details and was trying to connect the pieces: middle of the night, heart...

The Little C

A few weeks ago I had what I like to refer to as “the little c.” To be honest, it could easily be called “The Big C,” but I consider that a term for cancer, which gratefully I don’t have. No, I had the “little c” – a colonoscopy; just one of the fun things that comes...

Trying and Trusting

Try as I might – and I had made a valiant effort, make no mistake about it – I could not get a promotion. I’d been working above my current pay and title for two years and had been recognized as ready for my next opportunity by my superiors for that extended amount of...