Dump Your Diet (And Still Lose Weight)

It felt as though I had landed in some sort of sick and twisted funhouse. And for the record, it wasn’t really that fun. As I stood in front of my bathroom mirror, the woman looking back at me wasn’t who I expected her to be. She looked old, tired, and I’ll just say...

Managing my Post-baby Body

It’s been ten weeks since I had my baby, and unlike stories I’ve read online about women who are back to their pre-baby bodies within three weeks of delivery, that’s not me.  Oh, it’s not that I don’t work out or eat right: I do. It’s just taking longer for everything...

I Climbed Back Out

This is Hannah’s story, as told to me. Bulimia kind of caught me by surprise. I grew up in a great Christian home, but my dad was a pastor for most of my life, and I always felt pressure to be perfect from others because of that. I was pretty average, really,...