Finding Strength and Wisdom in Every Season

Oh, September: You usher in so many things. Many of the students around the world started school as you began. The days grow shorter and temperatures decrease. Cool nights with warm days remind us of summer and what’s to come this fall. Outdoor pools closed upon your...

Be Very Careful

It’s amazing to me how I can be reminded of things I forgot I even knew. I’ll be having a conversation, and something sparks a memory I’ve completely forgotten about. Or I’ll wake up with a song in my head that I haven’t thought about in years. Our brains are...

I believe in you! You can do it!

Have you ever felt like you could use your very own, personal cheerleader? “You can do it if you try,  V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!” Sometimes it’s hard to make tough decisions. Underneath, we may even know what the “right” decision is, if given a...