When Chaos Calls

We hear so much in church and at women’s conferences, and often read in books and magazines, about finding our “calling.” I believe wholeheartedly in callings from God, but deciphering true callings from incorrectly perceived callings is the tough part!   I have felt...

Just Say No

“Just say no!” My voice was firm, as I gave this advice to my busy daughter. Although it was easy for me to say, a twinge of guilt ran through me. The truth is, I’m the one who taught her to overcommit, to be ever involved, to never say no, to stay busy, frazzled,...

Martha, Martha

As Jesus and the disciples continued on their journey, they came to a village where a woman welcomed Jesus into her home. Her name was Martha and she had a sister named Mary. Mary sat down attentively before the Master, absorbing every revelation he shared. But Martha...

Connecting When It’s Hard

Somewhere between dishing out servings of tater tot hotdish and grabbing the phone call from the doctor’s office to tell us the correct dosage instruction for yet another antibiotic for yet another ear infection, I felt it. The chaos of life had used up all of my...

Life in Hashtags

So far, 2016 has had me in a bit of a busy block. Ever heard that term? No? Good, because I’m 41% sure it’s my latest invention. Busy block is kind of like writer’s block, but instead of a lack of production being caused by an internal obstacle, a busy block is more...