Posture and Perspective

This past Christmas, a family member treated us to flights, and we gladly swapped the Minnesota tundra for the Florida tropics. At my mother-in-law’s home, we visited until 3:30 a.m., laughed ourselves hoarse, and overate cookies, prime rib, and toffee. We also slept...

Beyond My Window

Tonight I caught myself gazing longingly out a window of my home. Completely lost in thought, I felt as though I was looking out into a world of vast unknowns. I was daydreaming about speaking engagements, publishing, traveling, and God’s plan for my life. I stood...

Leadership Point of View

What has developed your point of view about leadership? There are many factors that affect us: background and socio-economic status, teachers, parents, pastors, etc. These factors influence how we think and feel about leading and motivating people. A mature,...

A Change of Perspective

As we walked through the smoke-filled lobby, I was a little concerned. Was this really where we were going to be staying? In the ten years that John and I have been doing mission trips, we’ve often repeated a phrase my friend taught me right before a weekend retreat....

Life Beyond Your To-Do List

This morning I forgot what day of the week it was. If it weren’t for school and the few activities my kids are in each week, I may never remember the dates as the year rolls on with no clear differentiation between one 24-hour period and the next. At times, life can...