Rotten Potatoes

Rotting potato stench. It hit me when I looked in the pantry for some crackers to nibble. I hadn’t smelled it a few hours earlier when I grabbed the cereal box. How could such a horrid smell develop so fast? The truth is that potato was rotten when I ate breakfast. It...

New Invention Needed

I’ve got what I think is a great idea for a new invention.  Since I have more ideas than I do the creativity and smarts to bring them to life, I’m going to share my thought with you, the general public, in hopes that someone will pick it up and run with it. ...

Why I Still Watch Chick Flicks

When I was single I wrote a very empowering piece, or so I thought, titled Why I Don’t Watch Chick Flicks basically explaining why they are bad for women. I expressed how they were hurting society by portraying relationships in a  totally unrealistic...

Perfect Pruning

The Pruning knife rested on the defenseless plant. “Surely not that one!” I cried as the gardener skillfully cut away another branch. She looked at me and smiled: “Don’t worry my friend. It’s for the good of the plant.” Watching and...