What Budget?

When most people think about resources to help develop a budget (or refine one that has been neglected), many don’t realize all the important information they have available right in their online banking account. Although I previously worked in a retail bank setting,...

Allergy-Free Sneaky Veggie Casserole

I’m very fortunate that my kids usually like their veggies, but I know that’s not true for every parent. Then you add in my son’s dairy, egg, and peanut allergies and my recent discovery of my own dairy intolerance, and things get even more interesting. No hiding...

Is forty the new thirty?

It seems like everywhere we look, thirty is the magic number. Thirty days to a new you, Whole30, thirty easy make-ahead crockpot meals, thirty-minute meals, you get the idea. For the last year or so, forty has been a much more important number for me, though, and it...

Adding Cookies to My Diet

Despite my best efforts to keep up with my baby girl’s milk supply needs, when she was about six month old, I noticed my supply was starting to fall just short of what she needed. It continued to decline until I had no extra milk left in my freezer. I panicked a...

Bring in the New Year, Write

God can read. I know that might sound odd, but I distinctly remember a moment journaling early in my marriage when it occurred to me that God can read. I was feeling a certain way so strongly that I couldn’t talk about it out loud yet, so I went to “vent” to God...