Logs, Specks and Love

     The other day I was talking with a friend from work.  Sometimes she is reluctant to tell me about her life because of the way I choose to live my mine.  She doesn’t have to tell me this.  I just know that this is how she...

The Survival of Truth

No matter what I do or where I go, I cannot shake my heritage, nor do I want to. I will proudly state over and over again, I am an Italian from New York! Growing up on Long Island and being part of a big Italian family I used to think to myself, “how awful not to be...

The Call of Beauty Pt 3

          Gen 2:8-17- God put humanity in a setting to enjoy life with Himself, wholly and fully.  There is talk of the tree of Life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Rivers are flowing out of Eden...

The Call of Beauty Pt 1

Last winter I was driving in my car listening to Krista Tippet’s, “Speaking of Faith” radio program.  My attention was immediately grabbed by a quite endearing Irish accent that came over the radio waves.  His voice was calming and soothing.  He started...

The Call of Beauty Pt 2

I love reading N.T. Wright because his language is eloquent, poignant and powerful as is challenging for our souls to convey.  Mostly, the tension of this world confuses us and makes us feel alone and isolated.  Most of us think we are the only ones...