by Janet DeCaster | May 7, 2015 | Faith
One sunny late spring day, I met a dear friend of mine to take a walk around a local lake. We love to walk and pray together when we can. I brought my little dog, Joy, along with me so she could get her exercise. The lake is located in a nice, safe, suburban...
by Tabby Finton | Apr 30, 2015 | Faith, Self Discovery
Whether we realize it or not, we are fighting a battle every single day. In the heavenlies, a battle rages for our souls and for the souls of those around us. Jesus won the rights to victory when he defeated death and hell on the cross and through his resurrection....
by Nancy Holte | Apr 19, 2015 | Faith, Life Issues
You know those crazy moments in life? Company is on the way, your house is a mess, and you really aren’t in the mood to have guests anyway. In fact, what you’d like to do more than anything else is curl up in the fetal position and have a good cry. If you could...
by Guest Contributor | Apr 16, 2015 | Faith
For any relationship to not only survive, but thrive, communication must be at the center of it. No matter where you are in your relationship with Jesus Christ, the need for communication is a fact that you will need to come to terms with. When we first enter into...
by Guest Contributor | Apr 6, 2015 | Faith
Forgiveness. As a woman of God, you would think that I would have forgiveness completely understood by now. But I don’t. Many of us know the verses in Matthew, directing us to forgive one another so that we, too, may be forgiven, yet for some reason we hang on to...
by Janet DeCaster | Mar 26, 2015 | Faith
It was early in the morning when the women went to the tomb. In their grief they didn’t know what else to do. The one they had believed to be the Messiah had been brutally tortured to death on a Roman cross. The one whom they had followed for three years, their...
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