Re-Framing A Situation

My husband, John, recently went through an autologous stem-cell transplant to treat Multiple Myeloma, a type of blood cancer. As part of the transplant process he received two doses of heavy chemotherapy. We were told this chemo would make his hair fall out – no ifs,...

When You’re In the Middle of It

I look down at the pregnancy test, bracing myself for one line, not two. We’d been trying to get pregnant for several months, and so far, it just wasn’t happening. Today was no different. No doctor would categorize this season in my life as infertility. But right now,...

Overcoming — to Flourish

Do you ever feel that it is when God is moving the most in your world that you get hit the hardest? I recently cried out to him that I felt opposition from every side. His words resonated in my spirit: “If the world opposed me, they will oppose you as long as you...

This is Happening

Change. It is a constant in every life, but sometimes it blares louder, screams more incessantly, and will not be denied. The end of an era. The last page in the chapter. Things will never be the same. For me, that means that the end of the elementary years has come...