It’s Kind of Fun to Do the Impossible

It was one of those days. Challenges were obvious and abundant on every corner, and the day just kept getting harder. Financial concerns, issues over which I have no control, and sharing other people’s pain… it was all taking its toll. Tears felt imminent throughout...

Shut Up and Listen

I was pulling weeds out of the rocks lining my driveway. My head was down and I was deep in thought when I heard a car door. I looked up to see my neighbor walking toward me. We shared a little small talk, and then she sat down and started pulling weeds with me. She...

What’s Your Lens?

I recently had someone completely misinterpret what I had written in one of my posts. At first I was upset, wondering how she could have thought I meant or implied something that I hadn’t. But after thinking about her background and some of the hard times she...

Renew Now

Guest Contributor: Shaunti Feldhahn is a wife and mom, as well as a popular speaker and best-selling author.  After receiving a graduate degree from Harvard, Shaunti started out on Wall Street, but now applies her analytical experience in a totally different...

Daddy’s Girls

There is a whole generation of young women (late 20’s and 30’s) getting cancer — simply because they were “daddy’s girls” at age ten. These daddies* worked with asbestos in the days when the public didn’t know it was scary...


I was at a retreat center that fulfilled my need for stillness, silence, and peaceful surroundings. As I stood on the deck overlooking the river, I began to pay attention to the flow of the water. As I watched, I realized the strength of the current in the center of...