Loving Your Frame

Several weeks ago the Lord and I were doing some business!  At 40 “something” years old, I was just crying out to Him because I felt so “stopped” by my insecurities over body image issues.  At 5’10” (this tall in 6th grade) with large feet and hands for a...

My Exposed Knee

Last week I took my mother-in-law to the eye doctor three days in a row. She’d had cataract surgery and had a minor complication. On the first two days of sitting in the waiting room, I’d dressed in suit coats with scarves and heels, but on the third day, I was tired....

Celebration Of Life

No time to cook today. I left work early to attend the funeral of Scott’s Uncle, Richard. They are not called funerals these days, but celebrations of life. Very impressive. Richard was a music buff and his favorites played throughout the visitation and were...

Ready, Set, Goals!

Lose weight!  Stop smoking!  Join a health club!  But most of our best intentions are forgotten within days.  Then it’s back to that let-down feeling of having failed again. There is a big difference between making resolutions and prayerfully arriving at God-inspired...

Who Are You Wearing?

“Who are you wearing tonight?”  It is a question that is often asked to those who are in the spotlight. Our culture glamorizes those who get dressed up and “look” care-free as they glide across the red carpet, but that image is rarely reality.  The fashion designer...

Laser Moments — Are You Joy Filled?

Laser moments is a representation of the joy experienced in the daily ordinary experiences that becomes sacred when we realize that everyday is literally a gift from God. Here are some examples:  Watching my sons play their recital pieces after months of hard work;...