In Search of the Perfect Moisturizer

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been on a search for the perfect moisturizer to use on my face. To be considered the “perfect moisturizer” this product should be free of ingredients that may cause bodily harm (there are stories), eliminate any, and preferably all,...

I Don’t Feel Brave

I don’t feel brave. Not one bit. Let me explain. I recently went to the Mayo Clinic for some tests. The day did not start well. Personally, I’m of the opinion that starting a day at 6:00 a.m. with an alarm ringing in my ears is just bad from the get-go. But there was...

Tips for Restorative Decorating

I was privileged to be asked to do a special feature at BTG’s recent Words Matter Conference (audio files here!) earlier this month. I named it “Restorative Decorating” and had fun sharing different ideas for how to infuse your home with life. During the session,...

The Most Spectacular Story on Earth – Mabel’s Story

This is the fifth article in our new series called “Every Heart has a Story to Tell.” As we head towards our first Thrive Conference in October, our desire is share how Every Story Matters. Please check back each week to see how God is moving in women’s lives and let...